Provider Search

Search Options

There are several different ways to search for Providers. For most searches, at least 2 options must be selected to search (for example Region & Service). This is a list of the available search options. A red asterisk identifies which options are required to be entered.

  • Search by Provider Name or a partial Provider Name
  • Search by Provider Name or a partial Provider Name and a Region
  • Search by Provider Name or a partial Provider Name and a Service
  • Search by a Region and a Service. Providing Zip Code and Distance are optional and will identify providers that are closest to you based on within how many miles from the zip code.
  • Search by a County and a Service. Providing Zip Code and Distance are optional and will identify providers that are closest to you based on within how many miles from the zip code.
  • Search by a Zip Code and a Service. Providing Distance is optional and will identify providers that are closest to you based on within how many miles from the zip code.
To locate your Region or County, access the APD site at:

The search results show the closest match based on the criteria provided. Once the search results are displayed, you can sort the results by clicking on a column heading to sort in alphabetical order. If necessary, the search results can be exported to Microsoft Excel or to a PDF document format.

Click on a Provider Name to see the details from the most recent Qlarant Review.

Source of Information

  • All provider performance information is obtained from the most current results of Qlarant Provider Discovery Review activities.
  • If a provider has not had a review, it will show “Not Reviewed”.
  • All provider demographic information is obtained directly from Medicaid billing activity.

How to Update Provider Contact Information:

  • Qlarant is not able to make changes or corrections to your information.
  • Providers can update their contact information with AHCA in one of two ways:
    • Calling the Florida Medicaid Fiscal Agent Provider Enrollment Unit at: 1-800-289-7799, Option 4, 8AM - 5PM ET, Monday – Friday
    • On the Secure Web Portal, access on the top left corner of the public website: Home | Florida Medicaid Web Portal